Compliance with regulations, standards and laws

We build our business on the principles of honesty and integrity, respect for the law and ethical standards. This is enshrined in the Rules of Business and Corporate Ethics, which all Dunin-Barkovsky employees are obliged to follow.
The Rules are based on the principles set out in applicable laws and international documents: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ILO Conventions, the UN Global Compact Principles and others.
Responsible business conduct


Dunin-Barkovsky does not accept and strictly prohibits corruption and bribery in any form.
We do not offer, give, demand or accept money or valuable gifts, favours or anything else for the purpose of obtaining, retaining an advantage in the conduct of business, guaranteeing or obtaining any more favourable treatment. We do not accept bribes, kickbacks or other illegal or inappropriate payments, transfers, gifts or favours and are committed to strictly enforcing our internal policies on entertaining, giving and receiving any gifts. If you suspect a violation of anti-corruption laws, you can report it to us through our hotline at
Fair Competition

We are committed to the principle of fair, honest and free competition, which is at the heart of innovation, and avoid any anti-competitive practices or arrangements. All of our employees can seek advice from our legal team regarding compliance with competition regulations - we encourage such enquiries. Non-standard business projects and draft agreements are subject to due diligence to ensure that there is no risk of infringement.

We are open to liaising with competition authorities, particularly in the countries where Dunin-Barkovsky operates, and endeavour to provide all necessary information to satisfy legitimate requests. All transactions and other actions that have the potential to affect competition are carefully analysed and, where appropriate, agreed with the competition authorities.
We do not support or tolerate any retaliation against companies or individuals who have provided feedback about possible impropriety in Dunin-Barkovsky's compliance with antitrust requirements. Such feedback, as well as any other questions related to competition law compliance, can be sent to